Honest AI Review: Midjourney


In this review, we’re diving into Midjourney, an AI tool that generates stunning art and images from text prompts. Renowned for its detailed and high-quality outputs, Midjourney stands out in the realm of AI image generation.

Project Description

I used Midjourney to create a Bonobo Ape character set in various elements and environments—desert, forest, fire, mountain, sea, and city. Each version was equipped with appropriate apparel to test the tool’s creative and detailed image generation capabilities. I discovered Midjourney through the Bonobo AI aggregator, which listed it as a top contender for generating high-quality AI art.

Usage Instructions

  • Create a Discord Account: Start by setting up an account on Discord.

  • Set Up a Server: Create a personal server on Discord.
  • Use Commands: Enter the /imagine prompt in your server to activate the Midjourney bot for image generation.
  • Generate Images: Use the “V” button to create variations and the “U” button to upscale specific images.

  • Subscription: While you can start with the free version, it has limitations and can be slow. I opted for the $10/month plan for faster and more frequent image generation.

Note: Beyond basic prompts, Midjourney offers additional features like blending images and converting real photos into art. You can explore these features by visiting the Midjourney page for more detailed instructions.


  • Ease of Use: ⭐⭐⭐ (3/5)
    Using Midjourney was fairly straightforward once I got the hang of it, but there was a learning curve. I had to watch a YouTube tutorial to understand how to set up a Discord server and use the correct commands. Initial setup took about 20-30 minutes from sign-up to generating my first image.
  • Quality of Output: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)
    The quality of the generated images was impressive, exceeding my expectations. The details and creativity in the Bonobo Ape character set were remarkable, capturing the essence of each environment with high fidelity.
  • Pricing: ⭐⭐⭐ (3/5)
    At $10 per month, Midjourney offers good value, especially given the quality of the images produced. The free version has its limitations, but the paid plan provides a fair balance between cost and capability for hobbyists and enthusiasts.


Overall, Midjourney is a robust tool for creating detailed and imaginative AI art. It’s particularly well-suited for personal projects and entertainment, allowing users to bring their creative visions to life. While it might take a bit of time to learn how to use it effectively, the results are well worth the effort. I highly recommend Midjourney to anyone looking to generate intricate AI art and explore their creativity.

Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5)

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