

Category: Business / Admin, Marketing / Sales


Aide is an AI-driven customer support platform designed to streamline operations and enhance customer experience. By analyzing all customer interactions, Aide categorizes questions into topics, identifies pain points, automates workflows, and offers actionable insights. This allows customer support teams to focus on complex issues while providing quick and consistent responses to common questions through chatbots. The tool ensures all agents and bots operate based on a centralized knowledge base, boosting efficiency and consistency across the board.

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Key Features:

  • Insight Reports: Provides actionable conversation insights and performance reports.
  • Workflows: Automates repetitive processes and ensures consistency based on customer data.
  • Agent Panel: Drafts responses and suggests macros to reduce handle times.
  • Chat Bots: Builds bots to answer questions and take actions.
  • API Integration: Seamlessly integrates with platforms like Zendesk and Shopify.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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