

Category: Business / Admin


AIJ is a smart job application assistant designed to streamline the job hunting process. It automates the tedious task of applying for jobs by fetching job listings, learning from user corrections, and saving common answers to frequently asked questions. By leveraging AIJ, users can significantly reduce the time and energy spent on job applications, making the process more efficient and less stressful.

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Key Features:

  • Automated Job Applications: AIJ applies for jobs on your behalf, reducing manual effort.
  • Job Fetching: The AI fetches job listings for you, streamlining the job search.
  • Error Learning: AIJ learns from user corrections to improve application accuracy.
  • Answer Storage: Saves responses to frequently asked questions to use in applications.
  • Affordable Plans: Various pricing plans starting as low as CA$10 for 10 credits.

Model Type: PAID

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