

Category: Development / IT, Marketing / Sales


Algomax streamlines the evaluation of LLM and RAG models, focusing on both qualitative and quantitative metrics. Its intuitive dashboard simplifies prompt development and offers in-depth insights into model behavior. Algomax is invaluable for refining models’ accuracy, context, and coherence, making it a crucial tool for various industries including customer support, healthcare, and legal services.

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Key Features:

  • Precise Evaluation Engine: Accurately assesses LLM model outputs.
  • In-depth Insights: Offers detailed visualizations and metrics.
  • Seamless Integration: Easily incorporates into existing codebases.
  • Comprehensive Metrics: Provides a range of qualitative and quantitative metrics.
  • Real-Time Results Logging: Instantly monitors model performance on the dashboard.

Model Type: PAID

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