

Category: Education / Information, Marketing / Sales


Converse is an AI-powered reading companion that enhances your comprehension of web articles, PDFs, and Youtube videos. It offers executive summaries, detailed summaries, and interactive chats with your saved documents. Users can save time, categorize their content, and share their insights with friends, making it a robust tool for streamlined and interactive reading experiences.

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Key Features:

  • TLDR & Detailed Summaries: Quickly get summaries and key takeaways.
  • Intuitive Document Chat: Access precise answers with source references.
  • Library & Collections: Organize saved articles and PDFs into collections.
  • Social Sharing: Share and interact with your saved content socially.
  • Permanent Storage: All articles and PDFs saved permanently in your library.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

Review B7Labs.

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