

Category: Business / Admin, Content Creation, Marketing / Sales


Canditech transforms the hiring process with advanced job-simulation tests that evaluate both technical and soft skills. By focusing on actual job performance, it eliminates biases, prevents cheating, and speeds up hiring. Its customizable assessments and user-friendly interface ensure candidates enjoy a seamless experience, helping businesses make data-driven, inclusive hiring decisions.

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Key Features:

  • Job-Simulation Assessments: Real-world task evaluations for better hiring accuracy.
  • Anti-Cheating Features: Advanced measures like ChatGPT detection ensure assessment integrity.
  • Customizable Assessments: Choose from 500+ tests or create your own.
  • Automated Scoring: Reduces evaluation time and removes unconscious bias.
  • Candidate Experience: Engaging assessments that align with your company's branding.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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