

Category: Development / IT, Education / Information, Marketing / Sales


Credal streamlines the development of secure AI applications by offering seamless data integration, rigorous access controls, and compliance features. It supports enterprise search, chat functions, and flexible API usage to build robust AI tools. Credal ensures data privacy and security, safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining regulatory compliance with SOC 2, GDPR, and more. Ideal for businesses seeking to leverage AI without compromising on data security.

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Key Features:

  • Secure Data Integration: Pull data from multiple sources securely.
  • Real-Time Permission Sync: Automatically updates permissions, integrating with SSO.
  • Comprehensive Audit: Full audit logging to review organizational AI use.
  • Auto Redaction: Automatically replace and restore PII to prevent data leaks.
  • Flexible Deployment: Supports both cloud and on-premise configurations.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

Review Credal.

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