

Category: Business / Admin, Marketing / Sales


Diarupt transforms hiring by automating the initial screening process with Near Human AI Recruiters. These AI recruiters can conduct hundreds of interviews 24/7, drastically reducing time-to-hire while maintaining a candidate-friendly experience. Integrated with your ATS, Diarupt ensures seamless workflows and actionable insights, empowering human recruiters to focus on high-quality candidates and strategic tasks.

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Key Features:

  • Near Human Experience: AI recruiters conduct fluid and adaptive interviews.
  • Scalable: Run interviews at any scale and any time, 24/7.
  • Cost-Effective: Reduce hiring costs with automated screening.
  • Actionable Reports: AI-generated reports provide detailed candidate insights.
  • ATS Integration: Direct integration with ATS for streamlined workflow.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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