

Category: Business / Admin, Content Creation, Education / Information, Marketing / Sales


Feedeo transforms how businesses engage with their audience through captivating, AI-avatar-powered interactive videos. The platform enables users to generate leads, showcase products, gamify engagement, and gather feedback effortlessly. Whether it’s for marketing, sales outreach, recruitment, or education, Feedeo simplifies the creation process, making it accessible with just a few steps. Users can upload photos, fill out scripts, and generate lifelike videos in minutes, enhancing interaction and conversion rates.

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Key Features:

  • Interactive Video Editor: Easily create engaging videos with preset avatars.
  • Lead Generation: Collect user data and feedback through interactive videos.
  • Customizable Avatars: Personalize avatars by uploading photos or videos.
  • Multi-Use Components: Tailor videos for marketing, sales, recruitment, and education.
  • Data Analytics: Track video performance and user engagement in real-time.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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