

Category: Business / Admin, Health / Wellbeing


Foodzilla is a comprehensive software for nutrition professionals, offering instant meal planning, secure client communication, and extensive recipe databases. It automates nutrition reports and grocery lists, helping professionals save time and optimize client nutrition plans. Customize the app to reflect your brand for a seamless client experience.

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Key Features:

  • Automated Meal Planning: Instantly create meal plans based on specific macros, diets, and calorie settings.
  • Recipe Database: Access over 100,000 recipes with nutritional information and dietary filters.
  • Secure Messaging: Communicate securely with clients and receive reply notifications.
  • Automated Nutrition Reports: Detect trends in client nutrition and progress.
  • App Customization: Personalize the client app with your branding.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

Review FoodZilla.io.

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