

Category: Content Creation, Education / Information, Marketing / Sales


Genei is an AI-powered summarisation and research tool that optimizes the research process for students, professionals, and content creators. By automatically summarising background reading and producing concise overviews of PDFs and webpages, Genei saves users significant time, allowing them to focus on more critical tasks. It also offers advanced features like multi-document summarisation, rephrasing, and citation management, enhancing the efficiency and quality of users’ research and writing activities.

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Key Features:

  • Automatic Summarisation: Quickly summarises PDFs and web pages.
  • Keyword Extraction: Extracts and highlights key points from documents.
  • Multi-Document Processing: Summarises multiple documents simultaneously.
  • Citation Management: Generates and manages citations effortlessly.
  • Advanced AI Access: Pro version includes access to GPT-3 for higher quality summaries.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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