

Category: Business / Admin, Content Creation, Development / IT


GPTChat for Slack integrates OpenAI’s GPT capabilities directly into your Slack workspace, providing a powerful tool for real-time communication and collaboration. This tool assists teams by generating emails and articles, finding best practices, creating lists, and even writing code—all within Slack. By leveraging AI, GPTChat for Slack aims to enhance productivity and streamline workflows, allowing users to quickly access valuable information and support directly in their communication hub.

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Key Features:

  • Seamless Slack Integration: Directly integrates with Slack for real-time collaboration.
  • AI-Powered Assistance: Utilizes OpenAI GPT for diverse tasks.
  • Content Generation: Creates emails, articles, and other content effortlessly.
  • Code Writing: Assists with coding and technical queries.
  • Data Security: Stores temporary logs for up to 30 days for error handling; ensures secure API key usage.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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