

Category: Education / Information, Marketing / Sales


L.E.A.F.™ Career is designed to offer personalized career guidance through interactive conversations. Users can ask career-specific questions and receive advice from experts termed ‘Query Buddies.’ Additionally, its resources help in understanding corporate ethics, navigating start-up culture, and crafting career advancement strategies, empowering individuals to make informed career decisions.

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Key Features:

  • Interactive Career Guidance: Users can ask career-related questions and receive advice.
  • Expert Advice: 'Query Buddies' provide personalized insights and recommendations.
  • Educational Resources: Includes quizzes and content on corporate ethics, start-up culture, and professional growth strategies.
  • Multilingual Support: Services available in English and Spanish.
  • Community Engagement: Users can share experiences and gain inspiration from others.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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