

Category: Business / Admin, Education / Information, Lifestyle / Entertainment


LightPDF is an AI document assistant that allows users to chat with and extract information from PDFs, Word, Excel, PPT, EPUB, and more. It supports document analysis, note creation, and summarization, making it ideal for business analysis, learning, and idea generation. By enabling chats with multiple documents and utilizing OCR, LightPDF enhances productivity and efficiency for diverse documentation needs.

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Key Features:

  • Multi-Document Chats: Interact with more than one document at a time.
  • Advanced OCR: Extracts text from scanned documents and webpages.
  • Accurate Answers: Provides precise answers with cited sources.
  • Supports Diverse Formats: Handles PDFs, Word, Excel, PPT, EPUB, and more.
  • Multi-Platform: Available on Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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