

Category: Business / Admin, Development / IT


LLMStack is an open-source, no-code platform that allows users to create AI agents, workflows, and applications using their data. By supporting major model providers like OpenAI, Cohere, and Hugging Face, LLMStack makes it easy to build powerful applications. Users can bring their own data from various sources, including Web URLs, Google Drive, and PDFs, to enhance their generative AI capabilities. It also supports collaborative app-building with granular permission controls.

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Key Features:

  • No-Code AI App Builder: Create AI agents and applications without writing code.
  • Multi-Model Support: Compatible with OpenAI, Cohere, Stability AI, Hugging Face, and more.
  • Data Integration: Import data from sources like Web URLs, PDFs, Google Drive, and Notion.
  • Collaborative Environment: Share apps publicly or restrict access with granular permissions.
  • Open-Source Platform: Freely available to modify and customize according to user needs.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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