

Category: Business / Admin, Marketing / Sales


LoopCV is the first job search automation platform, designed to help jobseekers streamline their job search process. By automating job applications, email outreach to recruiters, and optimizing CVs, LoopCV enhances your chances of landing more interviews quickly. Simply upload your CV, specify your job preferences, and let LoopCV apply to jobs on your behalf every day, taking the hassle out of job searching.

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Key Features:

  • Auto Apply: Automatically applies to jobs daily on your behalf.
  • Email Outreach: Automates sending personalized emails to recruiters.
  • Job Matching: Searches and matches jobs to your preferences.
  • CV Improvements: Offers tools to optimize your CV for applications.
  • Performance Analytics: Tracks and measures job application stats.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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