

Category: Content Creation, Education / Information


ParagraphAI is a comprehensive writing assistant that enhances users’ written communication. It offers real-time grammar corrections, style adjustments, and multi-language support, making it ideal for emails, messages, and professional content. Whether English is your first or second language, this tool ensures your writing is clear, polished, and effective. Available as a browser extension, mobile app, and keyboard, ParagraphAI supports users across all platforms.

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Key Features:

  • Real-Time Editing: Customize text for formality, friendliness, and length.
  • Multi-Language Support: Translate and write in over 40 languages.
  • Grammar Correction: One-tap solution for perfect grammar.
  • Email Replies: Instantly draft and reply to emails.
  • Cross-Platform: Available on browsers, mobile, and as a keyboard.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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