

Category: Business / Admin, Development / IT


Paxo simplifies your meeting management by delivering automatic, clear, and concise notes. With impressive voice identification, it assigns speakers post-meeting and ensures confidentiality by storing recordings on your device. Seamlessly compatible with both in-person and virtual meetings, Paxo keeps you organized, searchable, and on top of your game with ease.

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Key Features:

  • Automatic Meeting Notes: Effortlessly capture key decisions and action items.
  • Voice Identification: Recognizes and assigns speakers using cutting-edge technology.
  • Privacy-First Approach: Stores recordings on your device, not in the cloud.
  • Multi-Platform Support: Works for in-person, Zoom, and walking meetings.
  • Easy Data Imports/Exports: Avoid lock-in by transferring data to apps like Notion, Obsidian, and Google Docs.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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