

Category: Business / Admin, Marketing / Sales


SiteGPT offers a customized AI chatbot that answers visitor questions based on your own website content. It enhances customer support, helping teams become more productive by automating repetitive queries and providing instant responses. With a 14-day free trial, easy setup, and support in over 95 languages, SiteGPT is an ideal solution for businesses looking to elevate their customer service experience.

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Key Features:

  • Personalized Chatbot: Trained using your website content and documents.
  • Quick Prompts: Helps start conversations with FAQs and relevant questions.
  • Email Summaries: Daily updates on chatbot interactions and performance.
  • Escalate to Human: Smooth transition to a live agent when needed.
  • Lead Generation: Captures visitor details for follow-up opportunities.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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