

Category: Business / Admin, Education / Information


Slatebox is a real-time, AI-powered visualization tool that converts natural language prompts into detailed visualizations and diagrams. Designed to enhance collaboration, it supports multi-cursor editing and offers 100+ templates for various use-cases. Ideal for teams, it can transform text prompts or meeting notes into actionable visual content, boosting productivity effortlessly.

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Key Features:

  • AI-Generated Visuals: Convert text prompts and URLs into visual diagrams automatically.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Multi-cursor collaborative canvases for seamless team interaction.
  • Template Library: Access more than 100 templates for diverse use cases.
  • Mind Mapping: Create detailed mind maps in real-time during meetings or lectures.
  • API Integration: Integrate with workflows to generate diagrams from natural language.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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