

Category: Business / Admin, Education / Information, Marketing / Sales


Sreda.ai is an AI-driven platform that boosts employee training and performance assessment. By centralizing company documents, offering interactive courses, and conducting pulse surveys, it improves organizational efficiency. The AI assistant answers questions in multiple languages, making information readily accessible. Ideal for HR managers, executives, employees, and training managers, Sreda.ai simplifies complex evaluation processes, streamlines onboarding, and enhances professional development.

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Key Features:

  • AI Assistant: Provides instant, multi-lingual answers based on your knowledge base.
  • Interactive Learning: User-friendly course constructor and analytics.
  • Pulse Surveys: Simplify employee engagement and gather insights.
  • Performance Reviews: Anonymous evaluations with detailed analytics.
  • Comprehensive Solution: Document centralization and effective team management.

Model Type: PAID

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