
Unitlab AI

Category: Development / IT, Education / Information


Unitlab Annotate is a state-of-the-art, AI-powered data annotation platform tailored for computer vision applications. By automating labor-intensive tasks through advanced pretrained models and AI assistants, it significantly accelerates the annotation process, enabling users to go 15x faster. Its collaborative features allow for seamless team collaboration, ensuring high-quality data annotations. Unitlab’s flexible on-premises and integrated services cater to customizable needs, making it a versatile solution for industries like healthcare, agriculture, and e-commerce.

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Key Features:

  • Automated Annotation: Utilizes AI models for automatic and precise image annotation.
  • Collaborative Annotation: Facilitates teamwork with real-time feedback features.
  • Multi-Annotation Types: Supports a wide variety of annotation tasks including OCR, object detection, and keypoint detection.
  • Performance Analytics: Provides detailed insights into team performance and project statistics.
  • Version Control: Maintains a clear and traceable history for all annotation actions.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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