

Category: Lifestyle / Entertainment, Marketing / Sales


Zolak is an AI-powered visual commerce platform tailored for the furniture industry. By providing immersive 3D visualizations, virtual try-outs, and customization features, Zolak helps retailers engage customers and boost sales. The platform offers off-the-shelf products such as Showroom, 3D Configurator, and Studio to enhance customer interaction and streamline the shopping experience.

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Key Features:

  • Interactive 3D Showrooms: Allow customers to rotate, customize, and interact with furniture in virtual spaces.
  • Enhanced Customization: High realism in 3D models with dynamic visual variations.
  • Omnichannel Content Creation: Generate high-quality images for websites, social media, and print.
  • AI Room Visualization: Customers can visualize products in their own spaces using advanced AI.
  • Product Bundling: Create and visualize furniture bundles for complete room setups.

Model Type: FREE/PAID

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